Collections Stephanie Kenner Collections Stephanie Kenner


Héloïse d'Argenteuil, 12th century trailblazer and philosopher, once wrote, “I preferred love to wedlock, freedom to a bond.” Radical! She’d probably like these movies.

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Confrontation on Vacation
Collections Stephanie Kenner Collections Stephanie Kenner

Confrontation on Vacation

Pretty much anytime friends travel somewhere together in a horror movie, things are going to unravel. These movies are on the fun side of this subgenre (sorry, The Descent and The Ritual - you’re not fun or queer enough for this list).

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Schlocky 4th Installments with Surprisingly Big Stars
Collections Stephanie Kenner Collections Stephanie Kenner

Schlocky 4th Installments with Surprisingly Big Stars

For whatever reason, a surprising number of fourth-in-franchise horror movies have inexplicably huge stars in main roles. For some of them, it was relatively early in their career, which makes some sense. But for others, they had already made it, so it begs the question - what are they doing here? The list is presented from least to most bonkers.

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Nightmare Logic
Collections Stephanie Kenner Collections Stephanie Kenner

Nightmare Logic

I don’t mean movies lacking logic through bad writing (a la Plan 9 From Outer Space), I mean movies employing the weird, lawless logic of actual nightmares. In this list we’re moving from relatively more coherent story lines to less.

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